Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bad Blogger!

It has been awhole since I have blogged! Lots of stuff has happened and Little Joey has GROWN! She is now 8 months old (on the 8th) and is so smart! I am going to post a few pictures of what's been going on the past few months!

Joey turned 6 months in December and we had her pictures taken!
I gave her one of her christmas presents a little early (her saddle) for these pictures!

(These pictures stink because I took them with my phone)
Christmas came and gone so quickly! Joey got a little bit spoiled. Santa went over board! haha. But atleaste when the cousins come to play we have toys!

7 months came and gone! She is just about to the 8th month and she is getting a lot more hyper. She gets so excited. She crawls faster than a horse and can stand! It is crazy she will be one in four months :[


  1. You've been tagged! New post... Take a pic of all these wonderful things and show us what it's really like caught off guard.
    No Cleaning... GO!
    #1 Kitchen
    #2 Fridge
    #3 bathroom
    #4 Self Portrait -as is, no getting ready
    #5 Favorite room
    #6 your closet
    #7 Favorite Shoes
    #8 Your little one...
    #9 Laundry Room
    #10 Dream Vacation Destination

    Now tag all your friends in a comment!

  2. Oh my gosh McKell . . . Joey is getting sooo big!!! What a little DOLL!!! I sooo LOVE that photo of her sitting on the saddle and YOU in the photo!!! LOVE it!!!! :-)

  3. that is soooooooooooooooooo stinkin cute i love my little cuz and of course my 2 big cuzes (Tony and McKell) i love them all three of them.
