Monday, November 15, 2010

5 Months!

I am a few days late but Joey turned 5 months and is foing so so much stuff now! It blows my mind lol! She is just about crawling, sitting up and is always grabbing stuff. Last night when I was feeding her she stole the spoon. I am thinking she is about to get some teeth she is always chewing on stuff and drooling like crazy. She has also been pretty grumpy lately, Not to excited about that! She is so funny and I just love her cute personality.

joey also loves her cousin Jarrett. They are so funny together. She will scream and so he will scream louder and so on until they can't scream any louder. He is so cute! Jarrett is always trying to give her, her binky throwing her ca-ca diapers away as he calls them and wants to hold her. On halloween he was even trying to feed her a bottle.. It is pretty funny but you always have to keep your eye on him!

I think he is such a cutie!